Does your child exhibit a potential orofacial myofunctional disorder such as mouth breathing, a protruding tongue, or misplaced teeth due to an oral habit? If so, then the Simon Says Tiny Tongue Tips Program may be right for your child! This play-based program focuses on teaching children proper oral and facial postures at rest, during speech, and while swallowing. It aims to reestablish nasal breathing which has been linked to better overall health. With proper oral and facial postures, problematic symptoms - such as chewing/ swallowing difficulties, speech sound errors, snoring/ sleep apnea, and persistent oral habits - become easier to treat.
Your child might benefit from Tiny Tongue Tips if they have/had any of the following issues:
feeding Difficulties
Trouble latching during breast/bottle feeding
Poor coordination of suck, swallow, and breathing patterns
Selective eating due to possible gagging/vomiting from certain food
Needing frequent sips of liquid to wash food down
Tongue thrust swallow
Messy eating
oral habits & Dentition
Open bite (aka malocclusion)
Thumb/Finger/Tongue Sucking
Prolonged pacifier use or other non-nutritive oral habits
other signs & symptoms
Speech sound errors
Mouth breathing
Forward head posture
Tongue tie or other tethered oral tissues (TOTs)