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Speech, Swallowing, & Myofunctional Therapy

Jennifer Simon Triandafilou MA, CCC-SLP

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Does your child (3-6 years old) exhibit signs of an orofacial myofunctional disorder such as mouth breathing, snoring, or a tongue thrust? Tiny Tongue Tips is a perfect fit!

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Does your child suck their thumb, fingers, or bite their nails? Eliminate their habit in just 30 days in a FUN way! Check out our newest comic book! 

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Have you or your child been diagnosed with a tongue thrust or myofunctional disorder? Tongue Tips may be right for you!

About Simon Says Speech

Simon Says strives to provide innovative and thoughtful treatment to our clients. We want our clients to reach their greatest potential in the areas of communication and speech. We will work hard to help them reach their goals, and we expect them to work just as hard to achieve them.  Simon Says' programs are based on positive reinforcement that provides client's with the building blocks needed to sustain success throughout their lives. 


Aphasia Therapy


Stroke Rehabilitation


Reading For Life Book Club


Dysphasia Therapy

Book An Appointment With Jennifer!

Have you been referred to me for an orofacial myofunctional disorder, speech issues, or thumb/finger sucking? Click the link below to book an appointment with me or another local SLP/myofunctional therapist I've trained in my programs.

“My teenage son has suffered from a tongue thrust for most of his life.This is the first program that has worked.


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